Saturday, June 30, 2012


If you don't want men to cheat, don't cheat with any man that is taken.
If you don't want men to use you as sexual object, don't give sexual gratification.
If you don't want men to mistreat you, walk away from a negative relationship and never look back.
If you want men to be faithful to you, ditch the cheaters.
If you want  men that love you, love yourself first.

Thursday, June 28, 2012


No matter what his excuse is for cheating,  a woman don't have to put up with that or he will do it even more. These are some of the reasons why men cheat:

1.      There are women wiling to cheat with them
2.      He feels he can get away with it
3.      His doesn't feel attractive anymore
4.      It's an ego booster for him
5.      He thinks it's  a men's nature to want to spread their seed
6.      He doesn't love her anymore, but he is afraid to be alone
7.      His partner it's not attractive anymore
8.      He doesn't get enough sex at home

When you are in a commited relationship make  sure to take care of  your body, eat healthy and do exercise. And remember  to give your partner all the sex that he needs. So, he feels desired, loved and understood, that way you know that you did your best and have no regrets!


Women have been brainwashed by the media and the feminist ideas to be vulgar, promiscuous and aggressive to achieve men and women sexual equality; when in reality they are encouraging men to use them as a sexual objects and unpaid prostitutes. In addition to that, the pop culture is advertising and promoting a negative behavior in men by encouraging them to take advantage of women and have sex with many women on a regular basis. Young women are taking it as normal, and no, it's not normal, no, it's not right' and definitely it's not healthy, nor physical, neither emotionally. It we don't create awareness in women  we are going to have another epidemic disease like AIDS taking new lives and this time our young generations will be the ones at a greatest risk. In 2009 we had the highest rate of STD's ever registered affecting women (15 to 25 years of age), the highest ever reported for any condition. Right now the spread of HIV is controlled because it's a criminal act to infect another person with the virus, if convicted the transmitter can face up to 8 years in jail. It took decades and millions of deaths before scientist found the secret to allow this people to live a bit longer.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Ninety percent of men I interviewed for this book from all different socio-economic backgrounds believe that at least eighty-five percent of women are completely lost when trying to win  men’s hearts, and they are not ashamed to admit that they take advantage of them. If women want to give sexual gratification, males will take it! Even though, they know that they have no interest to pursue a romantic relationship with them. As long as women continue having intercourse and performing oral sex with anyone; men will resist to commit to one woman, and they will use females as sexual objects instead.