Thursday, June 28, 2012


Women have been brainwashed by the media and the feminist ideas to be vulgar, promiscuous and aggressive to achieve men and women sexual equality; when in reality they are encouraging men to use them as a sexual objects and unpaid prostitutes. In addition to that, the pop culture is advertising and promoting a negative behavior in men by encouraging them to take advantage of women and have sex with many women on a regular basis. Young women are taking it as normal, and no, it's not normal, no, it's not right' and definitely it's not healthy, nor physical, neither emotionally. It we don't create awareness in women  we are going to have another epidemic disease like AIDS taking new lives and this time our young generations will be the ones at a greatest risk. In 2009 we had the highest rate of STD's ever registered affecting women (15 to 25 years of age), the highest ever reported for any condition. Right now the spread of HIV is controlled because it's a criminal act to infect another person with the virus, if convicted the transmitter can face up to 8 years in jail. It took decades and millions of deaths before scientist found the secret to allow this people to live a bit longer.

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